Fred's Blog

Fred and Loathing on The Internet

Welcome to the public web log of Fred Lambuth

It is a blog post for rejoicing! That big refactoring that has been talked about in these very blog posts over the past few months has been deployed. The branches have been merged, bringing you the very words you are reading. Deploying was much easier than I imagined. Getting my domain to point...

Hey blog readers! We’ve got a colorful update. With outside data! None of my models is sourcing this update. I found a dataset on Kaggle that has the top 100 Spotify songs for 73 countries (across the past 3 months or so) that is updated daily. After a quick introduction to the Kaggle API, I...

The updates and their respective blog posts keep coming! The pre-processing job I mentioned in the last post is here, and in a different physical type than I was planning. I was thinking of splitting the results into four CSVs. Instead I went with a Sqlite database, just like I’ve got for my...

Updates made to the production repository since the last blog post are metaphysical. To the user, there are some subtle templating fixes to bring font families into uniformity that can be noticed. The /rp URL is now being cached once an hour. The results of my effort to cache all the variables...

The update today is mostly fixes. There are new things added. However this fix is the first fruit of the mobile-device testing pattern! Let’s not jump for joy just yet. All that means is the browser window used for user testing is squeezed vertically as much as possible. It feels ludicrously...

The update to report represents more than what is presented to the user. We’ve got some brand new, unprecedented code involved. Over at the /rp section, which is my shorthand for ‘recently_played’, now has color coded boxes grouping the artist names that are found in my artist database. I was...