Fred's Blog

Fred and Loathing on The Internet

Welcome to the public web log of Fred Lambuth

There is definitely no noticeable update to report on the website. In the time since my last blog post my primary disk drive on my PC had failed. It had the Linux VM I keep as my development environment. Getting all things back to working order was remarkably easy. The only thing I have yet to...

That stats page with no link is now linked in that green Spotify button in the top right (for PC) or below the blog post (phone/tablets). Maybe I’ll add my official Spotify account profile page to the contact section.

I have not read that much since the last blog post, so there is not...

To be completely upfront dear readers, the updates I bring forth today are negative ones. This is the first official reduction in scale to the great big experiment that is I tried to figure out how to get the calendar templating on the stats page to have the day numbers match...

That rule I conjured up about limiting blog posts to occasions when I have updates on the website to report will likely lapse. I’ve been reading books, watching shows at the Paper Tiger, and playing video games (oh yeah, video games are now grist for the review mill) that have yet to be...